Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Trusting Him

Many times I've misplace my trust on other material things that i can bring me happiness, but those happiness are temporary. Temporary that can last few months, weeks, days, hour, minutes and even seconds, yet they are still temporary and they wont last.

Hebrew 11:1 goes like this " To have faith, is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the words that we cannot see." . I think there are 2 ways of trusting : 1) trusting blindly 2) trusting God. Trusting blindly in what I mean is trusting something either forcefully or trusting for the sake of the "word" trust. Many of us being led to trusting by our friends, trusting in truth is always good but what if we are led to thrusting a false idea. This may leads to catastrophe. Believing on the things that are lies as though they are the truth. What make you to discern the Lies and the truth? i think it is only by God and from God.

Yes I still put my trust on Him "And let us not be put to the test, but keep us safe from the Evil One." Matthew 6:13. trusting him he'll bring me along under his care.